A day at the dock in Waterford doing various boat-like things like finding and (hopefully) correcting source of a water leak from engine while Carol shopped for provisions.
Sunday 21st September
Another day at the dock in Waterford sorting stuff in the aft cabin to make way for imminent guests.
Monday 22nd September
Clean the boat and otherwise prepare for the arrival of Ira and Ann in the afternoon.
Tuesday 23rd September
Stayed at the dock one more day while Ira and Ann ferried us round Albany's suburbs to visit West Marine, Home Depot, Wal-Mart and Pet Smart. to buy more stuff for the boat. Why Pet Smart? New lifejacket for Buddy!
Wednesday 24th September
Time to move on and get our mast put back up at the marina where it's been shipped to and is waiting for us. So with an early (for us) start at 8 am we're off down the Hudson to the last lock we have to negotiate at Troy.
That's soon over and we're into the Hudson with currents and tides for real. We start off motoring at 5.5 knots past the New York State Capital, Albany.
and on down the Hudson past barges being pushed by strange tugboats,
and picturesque lighthouses
After our safe arrival, it`s time to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary! The marina has a not bad restaurant with lots of seafood on the menu and so, accompanied by Ira and Ann, we ate and drank our fill and a good time was had by all.
Thursday 25th September
Frantic day getting the mast ready to be `stepped`(put up); fixing wiring problems and spreader tip problems, but with Ira`s experienced help all is OK and by nightfall the mast is up, the dinghy`s inflated, off the deck and floating obediently behind the boat. Still lots to do to restore the boat to full sailboat status but tomorrow`s another day.